and want expert guidance & support...

Coming Mar 1, 2024
Don't miss a critical step, don't delete valuable archives (or your YouTube Account, like I once did).
Get the support and information you need to do your G-Migration right.
This is a Choose Your Own Adventure style online course,
NOT a learn-100-things-when-you-only-need-10.
All action. No fluff. Get right to the solution ideal for your G-Migration situation.
Gmail · Google Drive · Calendar · Contacts · Google Photos · Google Business Profile · YouTube Channel
purchase g-migration here:
Contact information

No buyers-remorse money-back guarantee. If you change your mind or the course
doesn't suit your needs, you can request a full refund until May 31, 2024.
Choose a pricing option
- Preferred optionG-Migration with Dara: Pay-in-full$297.00
- Preferred optionG-Migration with Dara: 3 monthly payments of $993x $99.00
Choose your price
Payment information

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G-Migration with Dara [coming June 30]$0
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- 1xG-Migration with Dara [coming June 30]$0-+
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- G-Migration with Dara [coming June 30]$0
- Discount
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- Sales tax$0
- Total
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- $0
- Discount$0
- Shipping$0
- Sales tax$0
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$0 - Today's payment:
$0 - Today's payment
All prices in USD
All the G-oodness:
What's included:
This is a hot PRE-SALE! The inclusions and deliverables are subject to INCREASE and IMPROVE before the release date!
- G-MIGRATION ROAD MAP for your own, unique circumstances, auditing your:
- Multiple Google accounts
- Multiple inboxes and/or aliases
- Google Drive content (files/folders/forms)
- Google Account data (passwords, search history)
- YouTube account? How to move it safely.
- What's in your Google Account data that you don't want to lose, like search history, subscriptions, etc?
- What's in your Google Drive, and what's the best way to move the files/folders/forms?
- Email archives - keep, move, split up?
- Bookmarks - take them? turf them?
- Saved Passwords - export to LastPass? Move to a new account?
- Moving Gmail archives into an existing inbox
- Moving Google Drive content
- All the things you don't want to learn the hard way

- Is this course just for Legacy G Suite users?The course will cover Google Data and Account consolidation and migration for regular Gmail, Google Workspace, and Legacy G Suite accounts.
- What if I want to export everything from my Legacy G Suite account and stop using Google/GmailThe course WILL include how to do this, don't you worry!
- Ask me questions! Live chat on the lower rightChat with me during my waking hours - I would love to know what you're wondering about.

Copyright 2024 Total Marketing and Consulting Inc.
All Rights Reserved. Canadians: GST is included: #817239155.
All dollar amounts listed are in US Dollars.